Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wow so this is dead on, crazy

Ok so I took this personality test today and I am a RED(whatever) But man it is really accurate. Kinda crazy. At least I can fess up I am a bitch and I know it.

Nobody Dates Like A RED
This is true. When you are in pursuit of something (or somebody!), you tend to go all out. You dress to impress, you get the limo, the tickets, the flowers, the reservations, and the whole shebang. You by nature are a very competitive opponent to any other potential suitor who may come along, and you take great pleasure in taking home the prize.
(Im not that big on fancy shit, but I do go after what I want)

You Are Highly Protective Of Your Companion
When you commit to someone, they can feel your protection on all levels. You see them as part of you, and are willing to go to war verbally and even physically on their behalf. You will not back down or remain silent when your partner is being attacked. Your companion loves to know that he is being taken care of and that you will be there to back him up and defend him whenever necessary.
(That is dead on, I knew a few people that will back that up)

You Promote Interesting Experiences
REDS Are Excellent Providers (damn Right)
You Tell People Where They Stand In The Relationship (Guilty even if its being mean)
You Provide Natural Leadership
REDS Show up

Why your not

You Tend To Be Selfish
The number one reason that marriages fail today is selfishness, and unfortunately, as a RED, you tend to always be thinking about what's in it for you. If you always put your needs before those of someone you're dating or are involved with in a committed relationship, you will foster a sense of resentment that may ultimately cost you everything.
(Ok so I have been know to say I love myself more than anyone else, but not in a vain way, I just put myself first, If I don't who will? I have to be my own number 1 I have learned that the hard way)

You Can Be Uncomfortable With Emotions And Feelings
Logic is your strong suit, and you may feel uncomfortable or insecure when your partner gets emotional. You see this as weakness and may become adamant that he address such things in a more logical manner. When he does not, you become dismissive, when in reality, you are the laggard where matters of the heart are concerned. There is tremendous value in connecting emotionally, and if you cannot learn to do so, you and your partner will miss out.
(Ha, was just talking about this, there is nothing worse than a man crying like a little girl in a argument, it just pisses me off more, Be a man damn it)

You Always Have To Be Right (Well only because I usually am)
You Come Across As Harsh And Critical, Even When You Don't Mean To (yeah sorry)
You Can Be Cheap (am not this one is wrong)
You May Tend To Give Priority To Work Over Personal Relationships
You May Be A Poor Listener (this one is wrong to)
You Can Be Too Controlling And Domineering

Your needs
As a RED, you naturally want to be respected. In fact, it may be more important to you to be respected than loved. You also need for your partner to be worthy (and if needs be, demanding) of your respect. How can you love what you can't respect? You appreciate your partner more if they demand your respect than simply allow you free license to walk all over them.
(Part of the crying man conversation, I need a man to put me in my place or I will walk all over them, I need a alpha male to match me)

You Need To Appear Knowledgeable
You value your intellectual and logic-based abilities. You consider your ability to reason and problem-solve to be one of your greatest attributes. You want your partner to value this about you as well and to promote this image to others. If your partner were to ever embarrass you publicly, you would have a hard time ever getting over it.
(looks fade I would rather be smart than pretty any day, intelligence is sexy)

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