Thursday, May 15, 2008

Damn baby sweater

Ok so I am frustrated, I had told the rescue team I would bring the dogs to the new rescue about two hours away on Saturday, but X has just informed me that he is leaving to go out of town for two days starting tomorrow. And taking the good truck. My car would never make it so I have to cancel on them and that makes me feel like shit. Like I am letting the team down and the dogs most important.
Ok on another note I am now knitting a cute little cardigan for my niece for her first birthday. If you are a knitter it is the baby's first tattoo with the swallows on the front from S&B. Anyways I finished the back and now I am stuck. I am not very good at reading patterns yet, I am a new knitter, and this pattern is just worded funny. So I am either going to have to keep working on this and frogging it till I get it right (already done twice) or wait till morning and go to the YS and beg for help. I really wish there were more knitters or a Stitch and bitch around here. All the knitters I have met are like 80 and freaked out by me. Grrr. Ok I think I am going to try to get this ONE more time. Then I will have to wait it out till morning. I will never be able to sleep cause it will drive me nuts. Why can't they just write these out in english.

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